about us
Bonvini Elettrogalvanica s.r.l.
In 1985, Marco Bonvini decided to start a new activity operating in the sector of galvanic processes, where he already had more than thirty years of experience.
Later he transferred and increased his production area with a new galvanic plant, technologically more advanced and with high energy saving production processes that respect the environment and current legal regulations.
Over the years Marco’s sons, Alberto and Stefano have become part of the society leading to the acquisition of higher market shares and allowing the company to work 24 hours a day and so deal with orders with the utmost speed.
The client’s esteem and satisfaction is what encourages them today to continually improve the company’s organization and to always develop original solutions.
In recent years new generation processes and technologies have been introduced that have allowed them to reach important targets at a national and European level.
Our Treatments
All our plants are fully automated and interconnected with the company’s management system, where, all our customers, from their own locations, can view the progress of the production of their own goods.
In every galvanic line, there is a current rectifier for the position of each treatment, which guarantees the carrying-over of the thickness of the coating required by the client’s specifications.
All of our treatments comply with the Directive 2015/863 / EU ROHS III and EC Regulation n.1907 / 2006 (REACH).
Tin-Zinc alloy barrel plating
Treatment approved by Stellantis FCA according to PS-8956 standard
The newest arrival at Bonvini Elettrogalvanica s.r.l. is the Tin-Zinc treatment, an electrolytic process that allows a deposit of a Tin-Zinc alloy that contains 75% tin and 25% zinc.
The deposit has an optimum resistance to corrosion. It is definitely superior to the classic electrolytic zinc coatings and has up to 1,000h to the appearance of rust.
The characteristics of this process are:
- High resistance to salt spray corrosion and sulphur dioxide
- Excellent weldability
- Electrical conductivity comparable to silver (0.011 mΩ/inch²)
- High protection for steel in contact with aluminum
- Excellent conductivity
- Excellent ductility and deformability of the deposits, combined with perfect adhesion
- Excellent substitute for cadmium toxic metal
- Neutral electrolyte free from cyanides and dangerous substances; contains ammoniacal nitrogen
- Applicable on steel and cast iron
Application fields:
- Automotive
- Nuts and bolts
- Printed material
- Electrical equipment
- Sensitive electronic components
- Connectors
- Building
- Interior Design
Main reference specifications:
- VOLKSWAGEN VW_13750 – VW_52132
- HONDA D2003-94/MFSN-ZN2-C
- DELPHI DX 550073
Alkaline zinc-nickel barrel plating
This is a very new plant of the latest generation. It differentiates from galvanizing treatments in the way that it is highly resistant to corrosion and high temperatures. It reduces to a minimum the incorporation of hydrogen and so limits the phenomenon of embrittlement. An alloy of excellent ductility and receptiveness for chrome trivalent finishes.
The novelty that makes this plant unique is the presence of small rotary racks that allow for the processing of delicate products and so unites the penetration and uniformity of the barrel treatment with the distinctive rack feature.
The passivation of the zinc-nickel treatments available are transparent trivalent and black trivalent.
There are then different series of types of sealants and lubricants that are interchangeable with each other.

Rack alkaline zinc plating

Rack alkaline zinc plating is a primary process for those who work in the automotive and earthmoving sectors, as it is mainly required by major terms of contracts.
The production is carried out by a plant with a maximum space saving capacity of 2700 x 400 x1200h mm.
Another feature of this plant is that it can work large quantities in a short time.
This process is available for trivalent white passivation and iridescent trivalent.
Alkaline zinc barrel plating

Alkaline zinc barrel plating is a process that unites high technology with a good aesthetic level, ideal for small items that require excellent penetration, uniform thickness and shiny and compact deposits.
White trivalent, iridescent trivalent, black trivalent and high resistant iridescent passivation are available.

Sealing is a chemical-physical treatment used to increase the resistance to corrosion of materials previously subjected to galvanizing and passivation processes.
It also allows for the more delicate galvanizing to have an extremely high duration in terms of corrosion. Multiple types of sealants are available.
Rack acid zinc plating - NEW
The system has just been renovated, making it three times more performing from every point of view. The software that manages it is of the latest generation and allows you to monitor all process parameters. This plant advancement translates into process speed and very high quality.
Rack acid zinc plating is a treatment that reaches very high aesthetic levels.
It represents a concrete solution for the processing of iron turned on lathes with threads, grooves, blind holes and other factors that could otherwise create undesired problems.
This is possible because of a special rotary rack that this plant has which allows for the rotation of the piece at 360° and so removes a 100% of the typical physiological problems that would normally occur in normal processes and so allows for the realization of flawless articles.
White trivalent passivation and iridescent trivalent are available.
Acid zinc barrel plating

Acid zinc barrel plating is a treatment that provides optimum aesthetic levels, ideally for manufactured articles obtained from iron in free cutting steels and is particularly suitable for bolts and screws.
White trivalent passivation and iridescent trivalent are available.

At Bonvini Elettrogalvanica s.r.l. it is possible to carry out a dehydrogenation treatment, which consists of getting rid of the hydrogen incorporated during the galvanic treatments.
Hydrogen embrittlement is a phenomenon that has been studied for years and consists of a chemical-physical process that interests different metals. It makes them fragile and subject to fractures caused by the free hydrogen atoms that undermine the base metal, causing a breakage.
By bringing the material to high temperatures for a quantity of time well defined by the reference specifications, hydrogen is released, thus eliminating the probability of phenomena arising from embrittlement.
The dehydrogenation oven has an excellent capacity; also if requested a treatment certificate is available.
quality and environment
Product quality and respect for the environment
The company has always pursued objectively to improve the product for the Client, with a view to fully supplying their expectations and above all to comply with the environmental laws and their employee’s safety for which, throughout the years, the company has obtained the qualification certificate UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and for the environment UNI EN ISO 14001:2015.
Bonvini Elettrogalvanica s.r.l. is a part of the Integrated Environmental Authorisation pursuant to the European Legislation IPPC.
In order to guarantee a constant manufacturing quality we have an internal chemical laboratory supplied with instruments for the analysis of the concentrations of the various galvanic baths and for monitoring the wastewater of our purification plant.
In order to seek a greater quality of the provided products and services, both fixed and portable instruments are used to measure the thickness of the alloy percentage. The company is in fact equipped with a high-level portable magnetic feeler gauge and X-ray instrumentation for measuring the galvanic plating.
The salt spray chamber is a machine designed to test the corrosion resistance of protective coatings and to verify the performance of materials in critical environmental conditions according to UNI EN ISO 9227:2017.
Our policy is to carry out the work as quickly as possible and with the maximum professionalism, offering the Client the best price-quality ratio, which is what distinguishes us. Especially:
- The use of highly productive machinery with a low production cost, so guaranteeing professionalism and at the same time market competition
- Continuous personnel training in order to reduce non-conformities during the production process, the management of the purification plant and the waste accountability
- Speed in processing client’s orders, thanks to three work shifts
- Improvement of the company’s results in terms of the quality of the work performed and respect of delivery terms
Work Progress and Certifications
In the customer area page we offer a dedicated place where you can check the progress of the work of your products and you can also download the certificates of the treatments performed.
A little innovation that further strengthens the trust of our customers in us.
January 2024 - New Rack acid zinc plating
The system has just been renovated, making it three times more performing from every point of view; with the latest generation software, it allows you to monitor all process parameters. This all translates into process speed and very high quality.

Own and trusted means of transport
By means of our company-owned transport and excellent collaboration with trusted carriers, we collect and deliver in all of Italy with the maximum speed and availability.
Contact us to start a new project
Tel. / Fax: 071 6620279
C.F. / P.IVA: 02301540429
Bonvini Elettrogalvanica s.r.l.
S.p. Arceviese, 225
60019 Senigallia (AN)